Tuesday, 16 June 2009


One of the best decisions I ever took was to keep my cleaning lady Nadine. When my poor husband died and I had to leave the old apartment I knew I had to be clever with money for the future. But certain things are so very important. And having someone to clean up your house is one of them. For example, I like to cook sometimes but I don't like the mess afterwards. I don't like washing plates. I don't like greasy dishes. But today I roasted a chicken because I knew Nadine was coming. It was so good too. The trick to roasting a chicken is syrup. Yes! Put oil in the dish, put in the chicken upside down, then pour over oil, salt, the juice of a lemon or lime, sprinkle thyme and tarragon, put wine into the dish, and then pour syrup on top of all the chicken. My grandmother always cooked chicken like this. It turns brown and sweet and stays so juicy. Since Nadine has seen me do it, now she cooks her chicken this way too. Perhaps we will make it a national strategie. Nadine was sad today, in spite of the chicken. She is only young, maybe 28 or 29. She came to Paris to be a classical dancer but they said her legs were too fat for ballet - it's sad because she really has such a pretty face. She lives with a boyfriend who is frankly, just too much hard work. Today I wondered if this pressure helps keep her mind away from her dreams and the thoughts that instead of dancing ballet in front of applauding audiences, she cleans houses for people who only cook chicken when she is around. Lzb


  1. What type of syrup?

  2. Hello darling, I normally use maple syrup because of the colour. It's so golden. My grandmother made it with orgeat syrup. It's almonds and rose water I think, and very fragrant. She would make big bottles herself. I don't. I buy it from the hypermarchee. Orgeat is used in Mai Tai as well. My granmother had a purple nose when she was old. I suspect this cocktail recipe was her main purpose for making orgeat! Perhaps she was my drinking teacher?
