Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Caramel for the Irish man

I am beginning to make a plan for the Irish man. First I must look and feel great. Then I will go and find him. Today I had an appointment for my caramel. Here in France you can have your hairs removed with sweets! No! I am joking of course. Some of the beauty salons in France use something called 'caramel'. It is like soft chewing gum and it's just a little warm and they rub it over the skin to pull out the hairs without using paper or sheets. Do you have this? I prefer it to hot wax. It makes your skin so soft. Anyway, today I have been caramelled and I had my eyebrows shaped. Tomorrow I go for my hair cut. Then in time for the weekend I will be ready to drop my gloves beside the Irish man and make his acquaintance. Are you laughing..? I thought this was a good traditional method because he is Irish... No! I'm joking again! Drop my gloves!? You will believe everything. You're so funny! Lzb

1 comment:

  1. Online dating virgin16 July 2009 at 16:25


    Can you help me? What appears to be a cute and interesting man started messaging me on a dating website. Due to my lack of financial awareness, this month's salary is all gone and I've no money to re-subscribe. The man has a monkey on his head and this appeals to me. But I digress…. He keeps emailing and I send back my allowed one-liners ‘I want to know more’, ‘I don’t know if you are worth subscribing for’ blah blah. He continues to email which I do enjoy. I get to know all about him, he knows nothing about me… the mysteriousness I likey. But… apparently he has been trying to find me on MyFace / Spacebook and google. This did raise alarm bells… however being a woman, I would have done the same had I have known his surname, name, address, pets name…. Is he a stalker type, is he charming ladies all over t’internet? Will he be a FREAK? Please help me Lazybird in my quest to understand the online dating world. And should I subscribe or is it all a waste of time?
